Welcome to A Virtuous Legacy! This is my first legacy attempt in about 6 years, after several failed attempts from 2007-2010. This is also going to be my first time trying to score a legacy....ever. Dun dun daaaaaa! Shouldn't be too hard, right?
Succession Laws I'll be playing with are as follows:
Equality: Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.
Strict Traditional: To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir.
Democracy: This rule may be used if you are displaying your Legacy Challenge in some public way. Either via Let’s Play, Livestream, blog or other format where people can leave comment. The heir is chosen by your viewers/readers from among the pool of eligible heirs.
(Warning: Mild Adult Language and Humor ahead)
Meet my founder, Emery Virtuous. Her traits are Cheerful, Good, and Family Oriented and she aspires to have a Big Happy Family! I wanted to make her as happy as possible to try to find some relief in the hell that is lot living. Say hi to everyone Emery.
Emery: "Uh...what? Oh....oh no. I'm a legacy founder. I can't believe this is happening to me."
Emery: "Maybe if I look at boolprop for a while a house will spring up instead and I'll have panicked for nothing."
Emery: "Damn."
"I know, I know. It looks desolate. Because it is. But...look at all the pretty trees and plants and stuff! And you guys don't have seasons yet. And. And I made you a family sim, so ya know. Babies and stuff."
Emery: "Yeah, sure. This is fine. Totally great. Yeah.....I'm going to the art gallery. I can't look at this anymore."
"Ahh much better. Walls."
"Don't get used to it. 'Walls' will be mythical creatures to you for a while yet."
Nopants: "Dag dag!"
Emery: "Suuupppp."
Sir Bald Beard: "I think guys who don't wear pants are worse than guys who sag them, what do you think?"
Emery: "Briefs lower sperm count, you should switch to boxers or go commando."
Sir Bald Beard & Nopants McUndies: "Uhhh shesaidwhat?"
*** Now it's time for Faces Emery Makes When Making Salad ***
~And that concludes our segment of Faces Emery Makes When Making Salad~
Emery: "Allll riiight let's see if there's any potential legacy spouse sexiness here. So far I see a dead old guy. I'm hopeful."
Heyyy there's my real life best friend's simself, Alex! I showed her these pictures and her reaction was "Ah man I'm gonna be in your story now?"
Alex: "What is she laughing at?"
Probably the hopelessness of the situation.
As the night wore on more and more elderly ghost started filtering through the door. Apparently Alex was having a good time, but I felt mocked.
Emery: "Voice, whoever you are, you suck at this."
Alex: "Good job Mirra, you are really killing it."
Emery: "Mirra? Whose that?"
Alex: "Uhhh...nice to meet you I'm Alex!"
Dina (Nina?): "Peace. I'm out this bitch. Next shift can handle this shit."
And so ended the very first day of Emery Virtuous' fresh new life as a legacy foundress.
Over the next couple of days she got a promotion...
And bought a stove...
And got invited to Alex's birthday party. Nice party outfit Alex.
Alex: "The dog tags really complete it don't you think?"
At this point it had been a few days and there was still no success in finding a mate I deemed semi-worthy as the very first legacy spouse. Lil2Bling was not cut out for our cheerful and good Emery, and Nopants McUndies...well....need I say more? And so Emery was throwing me baby thought bubbles every which way, and I was starting to feel like a failure before I had begun.
Now, also, Alex and my simself (and her boyfriend and toddler son) are roommates in this lovely mansion built by yours truly.
And sim!Mirra is completely unaware that Alex has invited Emery over. I'm pretty sure that as a reflection of my own shame, my simself was avoiding Emery like the plague. She was never anywhere Emery was. So let's watch, shall we?
Emery: "Happy birthday Alex!"
Alex: "Thanks, but it's not really my birthday. That's next month. No, there's another reason I invited you over today."
Emery: "Um, okay...what's up?"
Alex: "Mirra explained what a legacy challenge is to me and I know how she is. I wanted to make sure she took real responsibility for you and your future. I got the feeling she was going to just try to use me to check on you and report back to her. I didn't think that was cool beans so here you are."
Emery: "Wait...what do you mean? Is she here? The voice?"
Mirra: "Hey Alex have you seen my..."
Emery: "Are you the voice? Are you Mirra?"
Mirra: "Dude wtf?"
Alex: "I'm sorry, I thought she had the right to know. Mirra, you need to take responsibility."
Emery: "So let me get this straight, not only did you make me a legacy founder, but you live nearby and were never going to say hi or anything? And you're really bad at playing? Do you have anything else to tell me?"
Mirra: "Uhh...I've been playing for 14 years? That just makes it worse right? By the way, how meta is this? Right? Is this what meta is?"
Alex: "Dude."
Emery: "Riiight, okay. I have a few requests."
Mirra: "Ehh I don't know about legacy founders making req--"
Emery: "I want a sexy legacy co-founder, lotsa babies pronto, walls, floors, windows, an actual bedroom and a---"
Emery: "Awesome co-founder husband and lots of kids? Ehhh?"
"You're kidding right? I'm clearly not one of those doting sims players. Pick. One."
Emery: "Then I pick babies, lots of babies."
Mirra: "Now get out of my bathroom, I have to take a piss. And my house for that matter. Leave."
"Yes, 1-800-SIM-BABIES? I'd like to order 547 bucks worth of baby stuff. What do you mean that's like 5 diapers? Hello?"
And thus ends the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and check back soon for another one! You can find me on boolprop, leave a comment if you liked it (or even if you didn't). See ya soon!
Emery: "Uh...what? Oh....oh no. I'm a legacy founder. I can't believe this is happening to me."
Emery: "Maybe if I look at boolprop for a while a house will spring up instead and I'll have panicked for nothing."
Emery: "Damn."
"I know, I know. It looks desolate. Because it is. But...look at all the pretty trees and plants and stuff! And you guys don't have seasons yet. And. And I made you a family sim, so ya know. Babies and stuff."
Emery: "Yeah, sure. This is fine. Totally great. Yeah.....I'm going to the art gallery. I can't look at this anymore."
"Ahh much better. Walls."
"Don't get used to it. 'Walls' will be mythical creatures to you for a while yet."
And looks like we've got some uh, real winners here. Lil2Bling and Nopants McUndies.
Nopants: "Dag dag!"
Emery: "Suuupppp."
Sir Bald Beard: "I think guys who don't wear pants are worse than guys who sag them, what do you think?"
Emery: "Briefs lower sperm count, you should switch to boxers or go commando."
Sir Bald Beard & Nopants McUndies: "Uhhh shesaidwhat?"
*** Now it's time for Faces Emery Makes When Making Salad ***
~And that concludes our segment of Faces Emery Makes When Making Salad~
Emery: "Allll riiight let's see if there's any potential legacy spouse sexiness here. So far I see a dead old guy. I'm hopeful."
Heyyy there's my real life best friend's simself, Alex! I showed her these pictures and her reaction was "Ah man I'm gonna be in your story now?"
Alex: "What is she laughing at?"
Probably the hopelessness of the situation.
As the night wore on more and more elderly ghost started filtering through the door. Apparently Alex was having a good time, but I felt mocked.
Emery: "Voice, whoever you are, you suck at this."
Alex: "Good job Mirra, you are really killing it."
Emery: "Mirra? Whose that?"
Alex: "Uhhh...nice to meet you I'm Alex!"
6 elderly ghost later....
Emery: "I'm never going to find a husband in this mess!"
Yikes. So I think this is my fault. I played for so long with neighborhood aging on before I started this legacy that everyone died. My b.
Yeah, this is going well so far.
Dina (Nina?): "Peace. I'm out this bitch. Next shift can handle this shit."
And so ended the very first day of Emery Virtuous' fresh new life as a legacy foundress.
Over the next couple of days she got a promotion...
And bought a stove...
And got invited to Alex's birthday party. Nice party outfit Alex.
Alex: "The dog tags really complete it don't you think?"
At this point it had been a few days and there was still no success in finding a mate I deemed semi-worthy as the very first legacy spouse. Lil2Bling was not cut out for our cheerful and good Emery, and Nopants McUndies...well....need I say more? And so Emery was throwing me baby thought bubbles every which way, and I was starting to feel like a failure before I had begun.
Now, also, Alex and my simself (and her boyfriend and toddler son) are roommates in this lovely mansion built by yours truly.
And sim!Mirra is completely unaware that Alex has invited Emery over. I'm pretty sure that as a reflection of my own shame, my simself was avoiding Emery like the plague. She was never anywhere Emery was. So let's watch, shall we?
Emery: "Happy birthday Alex!"
Alex: "Thanks, but it's not really my birthday. That's next month. No, there's another reason I invited you over today."
Emery: "Um, okay...what's up?"
Alex: "Mirra explained what a legacy challenge is to me and I know how she is. I wanted to make sure she took real responsibility for you and your future. I got the feeling she was going to just try to use me to check on you and report back to her. I didn't think that was cool beans so here you are."
Emery: "Wait...what do you mean? Is she here? The voice?"
Mirra: "Hey Alex have you seen my..."
Mirra: "Haha this is a joke right? What's going on here?"
Emery: "Are you the voice? Are you Mirra?"
Mirra: "Dude wtf?"
Alex: "I'm sorry, I thought she had the right to know. Mirra, you need to take responsibility."
Emery: "So let me get this straight, not only did you make me a legacy founder, but you live nearby and were never going to say hi or anything? And you're really bad at playing? Do you have anything else to tell me?"
Mirra: "Uhh...I've been playing for 14 years? That just makes it worse right? By the way, how meta is this? Right? Is this what meta is?"
Alex: "Dude."
Emery: "Riiight, okay. I have a few requests."
Mirra: "Ehh I don't know about legacy founders making req--"
Emery: "I want a sexy legacy co-founder, lotsa babies pronto, walls, floors, windows, an actual bedroom and a---"
Mirra: "Whoa, let me cut you off right there. I will give you the choice between an actually decent co-founder, lots of kids, or your stove back because I totally sold that. One, you get one request."
Emery: "Awesome co-founder husband and lots of kids? Ehhh?"
"You're kidding right? I'm clearly not one of those doting sims players. Pick. One."
Emery: "Then I pick babies, lots of babies."
Mirra: "Okay, deal. Good talk."
Alex: "My work here is done."
Mirra: "Now get out of my bathroom, I have to take a piss. And my house for that matter. Leave."
"Yes, 1-800-SIM-BABIES? I'd like to order 547 bucks worth of baby stuff. What do you mean that's like 5 diapers? Hello?"
And thus ends the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and check back soon for another one! You can find me on boolprop, leave a comment if you liked it (or even if you didn't). See ya soon!
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